Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Last Supper

Study: T - 14 hours. At 9am tomorrow morning I will be getting blood tests done before I embark on the study. I’m really excited to finally get started as it was back in December when I signed up, but now the nerves are creeping in. However, being scared of the next 12 weeks isn’t going to make them any easier. I have just finished my last meal before I have to start ‘fasting’ from 9pm (let’s be honest, it’s not really a ‘fast’ but somehow the word just makes it seem more real…) and although I will start the meal replacements on Tuesday I’m not going to let myself go out of control tomorrow as it will only make Tuesday harder! 

This last week I have been working hard to implement the changes I want to make into my lifestyle. Every morning I had a banana and blueberry smoothie for breakfast and this is a habit I will definitely be readopting once the study is over as it gave me lots of energy in the morning. All the ingredients were healthy and natural, and I think part of the reason it was such a successful adaptation is that the psychological effect of eating it as was almost as important as the nutritional impact it would have. I also went to the gym 5 times this week! I managed to fit it into my schedule and even tried my first yoga class yesterday morning! If you asked me at the moment I’m not 100% sure I would go back, (every single muscle in my body is aching - who knew yoga could be so strenuous?!), but I know that if I keep going I will see improvement so it would definitely be worth keeping it up. 

On Saturday I also reconnected with my first ever friend! We have been friends since we were 4 years old and I hadn’t seen her since I had visited her in South Africa with my family back in 2007 so it was a lovely surprise when she got in touch and mentioned that she was coming to England! I was nervous to see her as you always wonder if you will still have things in common after all this time, but it was almost as though we had never been apart. In fact, I think we even had more in common nowadays than we did when we were younger. It was so nice to see her and I am looking forward to going home next Friday to see her again before she heads back to South Africa. Who knows, I might even go over and see her next…

As you can see this has been a rather positive week! However, the best news this week was relating to my academic achievements (I’m such a nerd). The Medical School was offering 5 students the chance to go to Rome for a Medical Summer School and THEY PICKED ME. It was one of those moments where I thought ‘I have nothing to lose by applying’, so I did, and now I get to spend two weeks, ‘all inclusive’, in Rome! There is a mixture of medical and cultural activities which is going to be really interesting as I’ve never really been to Rome before (unless you count tying up in Civitavecchia on a cruise ship). This is a wonderful opportunity and it is definitely enough motivation to keep studying hard up to my exams. Also, more importantly it is great motivation to work really hard at this study for the next 12 weeks - it will make shopping for it much more fun! 


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